FRENCH III Honors Syllabus                                                Fall 2011

Mme Marsha Friedman                                                           Room M-8
[email protected]                                             Period 2                                    770/536-4441  

Credit: 1 unit                                       Textbook: Bien Dit!

Course Expectation: The objective of this course is for the student to continue the cultural awareness, knowledge, and proficiency in the five basic skills of communication: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and understanding in order to promote an appreciation and understanding of the French speaking people, their culture, and civilization.

Course Description: The student will have the opportunity to learn about French and the variety of cultures associated with them. The student will experience various methods of instruction including but not limited to: speaking activities, listening activities, writing activities, reading activities, projects, cooperative group learning, lecture, technology, and individual discovery.

Standards: All students will be given a copy of the World Languages Standards and are responsible for keeping it accessible at all times.

Grading Procedures: Summative Assessments (tests and quizzes) will be given after every unit or chapter. Tests will count as two quiz grades. Within the chapter, there will be Formative Assessments (daily participation grades, homework grades, and project grades).  Students have the option of retaking a test after they have completed three half hour remediation sessions (before or after school). Retakes must be completed within one week of the original test. Grade distribution follows the student handbook: 45% Summative, 35% Formative, and 20% Final exam.

Schedule changes: Students have ten school days to request a schedule change for all Honors courses.

Required Materials:

1.        French textbook and workbook (provided by the school)
2.       Binder to hold required materials including paper, handouts, etc.
3.       Pencils, pens (blue or black), paper
4.       Binder dividers are highly recommended but not required
5.       Internet access highly recommended

Behavior Expectations: Respect, Restraint, Responsibility


Be PROMPT, PREPARED, PRODUCTIVE AND POLITE. Be the best you can be! Adhere to all rules and policies found in your Student handbook, paying particular attention to:

        ID’s worn during the school day at all times.
        Cell phones/electronic devices are NOT permitted during class periods.
        NO HATS are to be worn in the school building.

One verbal warning will be given. In the case of electronic devices and hats, the second time they will be taken up and turned over to Ms. Hughs in the second floor office.

Beginning of class

            When the bell rings, please have all materials ready and begin the start-up activity.

            Have your homework all ready to be checked.

During class

            Work diligently and respectfully. Ask questions by raising your hand to get the

            teacher’s attention.

Leaving the room

No students should leave the room the first and last 10 minutes of the class period.

Students will have three hall passes per nine weeks. Passes not used may be exchanged for credit.

Remember that students must be present 45 minutes in order to be counted present.

Make-up Policy

Students will have two days to make up work for every day missed. Special circumstances may warrant teacher or administrative discretion for allowing different arrangements.

Extra help/Remediation

Students who desire extra help can do so by making an appointment with the teacher for before or after school.


Please read the syllabus with your child. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact me by e-mail:
[email protected] or before school from 7:30-8:30, after school from 3:45–7:00 on my cell phone: 678/997-6040. You may also set up an appointment with me through the guidance office, 770/536-4441, extension #2.